PSV Requirement to Open Business Centers

Opening One Business Center

To open one Business Center and begin earning commissions, you’ll need to generate 200 points in Personal Sales Volume. You can generate the required volume through a single order for your personal use and/or for your customers, or it can be accumulated through many orders—just remember, your Business Center won’t open until you generate enough Personal Sales Volume. The name of your first Business Center is BC1.

Opening Three Business Centers

To open three Business Centers (BC1, BC2, and BC3), you must generate 400 points in Personal Sales Volume within your first six Fridays as a new Associate. Failure to generate the required volume will result in the loss of your second and third Business Centers (BC2, BC3). If your initial product purchase is equal to at least 400 points, your order will be automatically distributed among the three Business Centers, with 200 points in Personal Sales Volume placed in BC1, 100 points placed in BC2, and 100 points placed in BC3. This means you will immediately begin with 100 points in both the left and right sides of BC1, so you’ll already be that much closer to getting your first commission check. This is one of the benefits of opening three Business Centers.

*Generating or Upgrading to 3 Centers

Six Friday Rule 

Posted: 08-Aug-2013
Reviewed/Updated: 03-Aug-2015