What is Biotin?
Biotin (also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7) is a water-soluble sulfur-containing member of the B vitamin family. Biotin plays an essential role in maintaining metabolic homeostasis by acting as a cofactor with enzymes involved in carboxylation reactions. These enzymes catalyze key reactions in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid metabolism, and amino acid catabolism.

Biotin is found in numerous foods and is also synthesized by intestinal bacteria. This makes deficiencies rare and generally seen only after prolonged antibiotic therapies that deplete beneficial intestinal bacteria, or following excessive consumption of raw egg whites.

There have been no reports of toxic reactions related to biotin, even in people taking doses up to 200 mg orally and 20 mg intravenously.

Foods relatively rich in biotin include egg yolk, liver, and some vegetables.

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